Several factors determine success on the large platform known as YouTube, including views, subscribers, ads, etc. Youtubers can get their ads played on their videos to earn money. However, YouTube’s monetization standards explicitly prevent clicking one’s ads for any reason.

However, it needs to mention watching your video ads from another account, and doing so would also not be a wise choice.

Otherwise, What would prevent someone from creating their playlist, looping it, opening it in a different window, muting it, and then allowing video ads to play in the background if permitted?

But it operates differently.

In theory, if your videos contain ads, you may “earn money” by watching them. However, there are two issues. The first is that Adsense deems watching your ads to earn ad income as “invalid traffic”:

Any clicks or impressions that could artificially increase an advertiser’s expenses or a publisher’s earnings are considered invalid traffic. Both deliberate fraud and unintentional clicks fall within the category of invalid traffic.

Other forms included in invalid traffic but not restricted to are:

Publishers’ live ads clicked to produce clicks or impressions repeatedly made by one or more users ad clicks or impressions

Publishers employ language encouraging consumers to click on their ads or use ad solutions that could result in a high volume of accidental clicks.

Robotic clickers, automated traffic sources, or other misleading software.

You risk having Google terminate your Adsense account if you consistently click on or view your ads with the intention of “making money.”

The second issue concerns the ads and the amount of advertising money you receive for each view. Using the standard ratio of $1/1000 views, you would need 1000 people to watch your video (long enough to see the ad) to make $1. Let’s assume you watch 30 seconds of the video each time, which is long enough to see a 5-second ad and some of the actual video. For only $1, it would take you more than eight hours. The videos could be watched by a bot that you set up, but Google is more intelligent than you think, and you would only be able to run the bot for a short time before google notices and nukes your AdSense account.

Additionally, YouTube indeed employs some algorithms to find such things. They’ll probably manually review you and discover you’ve only been viewing your ads.

If you get caught, it’s game over unless YouTube has mercy. I wonder if you’ll get caught at first, and you might never get caught. We have yet to determine what YouTube may hide in its computer code.

The good thing is that if you probably have a strong enough fanbase, it would be easy to earn enough money if you’re monetized. Although, you won’t get millions, you might get a few dollars!

Even if watching your ads did work, you would probably earn so tiny that it wouldn’t be worth your effort.

Instead, devote more time to promoting your videos on social media, creating stunning thumbnails, and making your titles, descriptions, and tags stand out.

Instead of watching your videos, I would suggest. It would help if you began promoting your channel through YouTube ads [] and videos as soon as feasible.